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About our Program

kids observing.jfif

Why Full Day?

Our program follows a 4 day a week, Monday through Thursday schedule to create consistency, structure, and routine. Our day begins at 8:45 and ends at 3pm. 

When children know what to expect each day, it reduces anxiety and can ease the morning transition. They can anticipate their next lesson or activity and look forward to seeing friends. This also develops a sense of community and encourages children to develop a strong sense of belonging, independence, and confidence, which leads to stronger social, emotional and educational outcomes.

Image by Senjuti Kundu

Beginning at 3 Years Old

Children need to be 3 years old and potty trained by their start date. This ensures that children are ready emotionally, cognitively, and physically for the program. There is an extensive amount of developmental growth that occurs at 3 years of age and we want all students to be set up for success in our program.


Montessori Work Cycle

A Montessori work cycle is a block of time, typically 2 hours, during which children are free to explore the prepared environment and engage in learning activities without interruption and with only minimal guidance from the teacher. They are also sometimes called work periods.
The classroom is a happy community. Students are focused. They take joy in their work. They invent, explore, experiment, confer, create, prepare snacks, and curl up with books; sometimes they might even reflect in a peaceful, meditative corner. Meanwhile, teachers circulate throughout the room, observing the students and making notes about their progress, ever ready to offer support or introduce new material, as appropriate.

White Van

Field Trips

As our facility is nestled within the Wasatch Back and neighboring Uintas, we have access to a wealth of locations that can serve as primary teaching resources. With the freedom afforded by the school van, we can embark on weekly outdoor adventures in areas such as the Unitas, trails in Park City, and the Jordanelle.  We believe in the vital importance of encouraging a sense of respect and stewardship for the earth as well as all of its inhabitants.

Foggy Forest

When children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength.

-Maria Montessori

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